Make People Better Podcast
Make People Better Podcast
As far back as we have recorded history, from ancient cave paintings to the pyramids, humans have quested for immortality. It is the ultimate prize for a species that can imagine the future and their own eventual death. In recent years, science has transformed that quest into a technological one. This episode starts with Max More, the former president of ALCOR Life Extension Foundation. Next stop is to meet with Dr. George Church, the legendary genomics pioneer, and take a trip to the forefront of age reversal. He has recently started a new company, Rejuvenate Bio, with his protegee Noah Davidsohn. The logic is that if people see the safety of radically increasing the lifespans of their pets, they will become much more comfortable trying the same therapy on themselves.
Andrew Hessel is a micro-biologist and geneticist and entrepreneur.
Max More is a philosopher and futurist who writes, speaks, and consults on advanced decision-making about emerging technologies.
George Church is an American geneticist, molecular engineer, chemist, and a serial entrepreneur who is widely regarded as the "Founding Father of Genomics", and a pioneer in personal genomics and synthetic biology.
Noah Davidsohn is the CSO & Co-Founder at Rejuvenate Bio. Previously, Noah was Research Scientist at Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering.
Daniel Oliver is Founder and CEO of Rejuvenate Bio. He holds a business degree from Harvard Business School.
Reference links for this episode
Transcript https://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/makepeoplebetter/episode-002-longevity/
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Written and Edited by Cody Sheehy
Produced by Samira Kiani
Music By Tyler Strickland
Impact production by Megan Friend
Recorded by Cody Sheehy and Samira Kiani
Additional Recording By Galen McCaw
Sound design and mixing by Kim Christensen
Supporting materials by Cody Sheehy
Social media and marketing by Megan Friend, Amna Vegha, and Marci Fiamengo
Website by Craig Boesewetter
Legal by W. Wilder Knight II
Executive production by Randall Gebhardt and Christopher Gebhardt