Make People Better Podcast
Make People Better Podcast
Hack Yourself
In the United States, many citizens place personal freedom above all other societal values. Combine that with a wave of new gene hacking technologies that are cheap and easy to use, and the biohacking movement is born. It’s fun, you can inject yourself in your own basement, and it can generate a lot of interest on social media.
In this episode we start with visionary biochemist, genetic designer, and biohacker Jo Zayner. An ex-NASA biochemist, turned underground biohacker, Jo first gained notoriety by publicly injecting themself with CRISPR at a live event. Although their claims that it would enhance their muscles did not pan out, it did inspire a wave of copycat hackers who started dubious enterprises that publicly injected themselves and sold untested cures to Herpes and other ailments. Samira and Cody traveled with Jo to the Dominican Republic, which has no medical regulations, to meet with patients suffering from muscular dystrophy, and who are desperate to meet Zayner and try any DIY cure.
Episode Guests
Jo Zayner (formerly Josiah Zayner) is a biohacker, artist, and scientist best known for their self-experimentation and work making hands-on genetic engineering accessible to a lay audience, including CRISPR.
Ynti Eusebio is the medical director of Prometheus Regenerative Lab located in the Dominican Republic. Ynti provides plastic surgery and Stem Cell Therapies to his patients.
Henry Thompson, a resident of the Dominican Republic suffering from muscular dystrophy.
This podcast is brought to you by the RandomGood Foundation and was produced by Rhumbline Media, LLC. Add a video of your thoughts on our Filmstacker Project.
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Written and Edited by Cody Sheehy
Produced by Samira Kiani
Music By Tyler Strickland
Impact production by Megan Friend
Recorded by Cody Sheehy and Samira Kiani
Additional Recording By Galen McCaw
Sound design and mixing by Kim Christensen
Supporting materials by Cody Sheehy
Social media and marketing by Megan Friend, Amna Vegha, and Marci Fiamengo
Website by Craig Boesewetter
Legal by W. Wilder Knight II
Executive production by Randall Gebhardt and Christopher Gebhardt